
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hua..hua.. It's time to WAKE UP!!!

After such a long time I didn't update my blog.. Dah banyak habuk da, coz d tnggalkn..hehehe..
Starter? Let me think...ermmm..
Banyak betul perkara yg dah trjadi, time cuti and after cuti.. Sometime all those things make me down, and so down.. Only my parents understand me well bcoz I've told them all things that make me sad and stress.. I feel glad and happy to have them by my side.. <3 <3 <3

From my previous topic, about the one who's lucky to be single.. Now, I'm one of them also..huhu.. Welcome to the club.. lalala..

Sincerely, I really2 don't like U_ _...haha,hihi,huhu..lalala...
Got a lot of prob with it...


Ms. Ellatron said...

welcome to the club my big sister!! haha.. single is the best for now.. :))

Cyneez said...

Btul3x..huhu.. =)


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