One of my lecturer ada cakap, " Sapa yg tolong orang and permudahkan orang, dia akan dipermudahkan jgk".
Hari ni, aku dah la x berapa sihat, nak buat kerja lg, baru ja minta tolong sket dengan orang tu tapi.. hampeh. kalau pun xnak tolong, cakap la baik2! Orang mcm dia mmg x pndai nak cakap baik2. Xda orang ajar kot. Harap rupa ja cantik, tapi hati busuk! Bukan dia sorang ja yg mcm tu, yg len pun sama. Hampeh! Langsung x ble minta tolong... Menyakitkan hati.
Pelik sangat2. Kalau nak minta tolong punya cepat, tp bila orang yg minta tolong balik punya susah. Kalau mcm ni la, excuse me, aku mmg x kan lg nak bercakap dengan ko. Dan aku x kan lg nak tolong or minta tolong dengan ko. Aku dah tolong korang hari tu, tp on the same day jgk aku dilupakan. Ok fine. That's it. Ko ja la yg pandai, cantik, baik. Ko tanggung la semuanya, ko la perfect. Aku masih ada Allah yg boleh tolong aku dan lebih baik dari segalanya! INGAT TU!!!!!!!!!!
p/s: Post luahan dari orang yg geram- admin
Post pertama utk bulan 10
Monday, October 24, 2011
Wah, dah dkat sebulan x post apa2.. Rasa mcm baru ja 1-2 minggu yg lepas ada post!
Well, mcm tu la rasanya bila cpt ja masa brlalu.. Tmbh lg bila byk kerja yg perlu dibuat dan selesaikan...
Hari ini, accidentally, for no reason I tgk wall dia.. Erm, once again feel betrayed and sakit hati! Aku jgk yg bengong pi tgk wall dia.. Arghhh, what shud I do? Forget? It's hard.... Let it be? Sometimes I wanna know bout him jgk..
Sakit sgt hati klu dibiar "gantung" cam ni.. Woiii to that person, klu ko dah ada org lain or dah lupa aku, can u juz tell me? So that I'll know that "something" btween us is nothing. Got it!
But I think, dia mmg got no feel and nothing to do with me.. OMG! Trlbey plak aku..hahaha.. Orait, juz forget and leave it all here... (FULLSTOP).
Few days ago, I got 'salah faham' with my friend. She thought I'm in bad mood, while I thought that she's mad with me... Then kami x brtegur, and I think that both us rasa sakit la.. Sbb tiba2 ja and no reason at all trus x brtegur.. D sebabkan rasa x sdap hati, I sms her to say sorry and she replied me, also to apologize to me. Rupa2nya, misunderstanding ja...
Tu la pgajarannya, do not think negative.. Tapi kadang2 trfikir ngative jgk klu dah down sgt2.. Hopefully we have friends that could help us in trouble or when we're down..
Well, mcm tu la rasanya bila cpt ja masa brlalu.. Tmbh lg bila byk kerja yg perlu dibuat dan selesaikan...
Hari ini, accidentally, for no reason I tgk wall dia.. Erm, once again feel betrayed and sakit hati! Aku jgk yg bengong pi tgk wall dia.. Arghhh, what shud I do? Forget? It's hard.... Let it be? Sometimes I wanna know bout him jgk..
Sakit sgt hati klu dibiar "gantung" cam ni.. Woiii to that person, klu ko dah ada org lain or dah lupa aku, can u juz tell me? So that I'll know that "something" btween us is nothing. Got it!
But I think, dia mmg got no feel and nothing to do with me.. OMG! Trlbey plak aku..hahaha.. Orait, juz forget and leave it all here... (FULLSTOP).
Few days ago, I got 'salah faham' with my friend. She thought I'm in bad mood, while I thought that she's mad with me... Then kami x brtegur, and I think that both us rasa sakit la.. Sbb tiba2 ja and no reason at all trus x brtegur.. D sebabkan rasa x sdap hati, I sms her to say sorry and she replied me, also to apologize to me. Rupa2nya, misunderstanding ja...
Tu la pgajarannya, do not think negative.. Tapi kadang2 trfikir ngative jgk klu dah down sgt2.. Hopefully we have friends that could help us in trouble or when we're down..
With only A word, can make u cry~~~
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Have a crush with someone? Sakit kan.. Sapa2 orang yang kita sayang, if they juz say only a word pun, boleh buat kita menangis or senyum...
Sekarang ni pulak dah ada facebook, twitter and many more, kita mestilah nak tgk page "kekasih hati" kan.. or "pujaan hati" or "yang kita sayang..".. :p... Berapa banyak perkataan yang "dia" dah tulis yang buat kita ter'sensitif', tersakit, menangis, senyum sendiri..hahaha.. (well, I pun pernah alami).. :p
Kita dah tau, ayat2 or perkataan 'dia' boleh buat kita ter'sentuh' or ter'kena', jadi napa lagi still nak baca or tgk page 'dia' kan??? Even though kita tak tau pun ayat2 tu untuk kita atau tak...haha..
Ermmm, apa pun think positive je la.. Kalau dari words 'dia' tu bgtau 'dia' happy, alhamdulillah la.. Teruskan... Kalau 'dia' sedih pulak, support la and doakan yg terbaik.. But IF words 'dia' berbunga2 untuk someone 'dia' suka and that person is not u, bawa bersabar la ya... Terus delete je 'dia' dari memory anda, jangan tengok2 lagi page 'dia' and teruskan hidup anda with more happiness! :)
Monday, September 19, 2011
Lets talk about appreciate today. How's ur feeling when u were appreciated by people? Happy? Proud? Touch? So do I..
How to get appreciate by people? The simple and easy way is urself. How u treat people? Are u really fair in making decisions? Or u are only think for ur own sake?
Those, who haven't been appreciated for such a long time, they will put so much effort on what they were doing (for example; work and study) to get at least AN appeciated from their beloved person or people.
Do we think that our efforts and attitude in treat people already that good enough? Ask urself and improve more!
But, do not ever forget about urself. You, need to be appreciated too by ur own self. Don't only waiting and hoping for people to appreciate, bcoz u can make it for urself. Such as, shopping. Haha, I'd love to put shopping as our example bcoz the way I appreciated myself is thru shopping.
The other way to appreciate urself is satisfy urself. Do what u really want to do. But, u should remember laa.. It should be something that benefit u. Don't do something which is false in law and our religion! Okay...
For example, u have been working so hard for 24/7.. haha, wahh soo crazy laa to work 24/7.. Lets take another example, working for 5 days a week from 8am to 5pm (standard time for working laa kn). Ok, so everyday u've been working sooo hard without having time to spend to watch movies and play games. So,
in the weekends u can use ur free time to do anything u want, rite!
Thus, appreciate is meaningful. Appreciate time and things u have right now before it's being stolen or lost.
How to get appreciate by people? The simple and easy way is urself. How u treat people? Are u really fair in making decisions? Or u are only think for ur own sake?
Those, who haven't been appreciated for such a long time, they will put so much effort on what they were doing (for example; work and study) to get at least AN appeciated from their beloved person or people.
Do we think that our efforts and attitude in treat people already that good enough? Ask urself and improve more!
But, do not ever forget about urself. You, need to be appreciated too by ur own self. Don't only waiting and hoping for people to appreciate, bcoz u can make it for urself. Such as, shopping. Haha, I'd love to put shopping as our example bcoz the way I appreciated myself is thru shopping.
The other way to appreciate urself is satisfy urself. Do what u really want to do. But, u should remember laa.. It should be something that benefit u. Don't do something which is false in law and our religion! Okay...
For example, u have been working so hard for 24/7.. haha, wahh soo crazy laa to work 24/7.. Lets take another example, working for 5 days a week from 8am to 5pm (standard time for working laa kn). Ok, so everyday u've been working sooo hard without having time to spend to watch movies and play games. So,
in the weekends u can use ur free time to do anything u want, rite!
Thus, appreciate is meaningful. Appreciate time and things u have right now before it's being stolen or lost.
Mati dan amalan kita ~
Friday, September 16, 2011
Alhamdulillah, masih lagi diberikan peluang untuk hidup. Bersyukur tanpa henti, sentiasa ingat pada Allah. Entri kali ni, nak bercerita pasal Mati... Bila-bila sahaja mungkin akan berlaku... hampir setiap hari kita akan mendengar cerita mengenai kematian hamba-hamba Allah yang telah menemui ajal pada usia muda dan tua... Ada yang menemui ajal kerana ditembak, dibunuh, sakit dan banyak lagi sebab...
Kita tak tahu lagi bila ajal kita akan sampai. Sudah cukupkah amalan kita ni? Sudah cukupkah amal ibadat kita selama di dunia ni? Adakah kita yakin yang amal ibadat kita akan diterima oleh Allah???
MasyaAllah... Wallahu'alam.. Semoga kita diberikan kesedaran dan hidayah untuk lebih memperbaiki diri kita.
Aku teringat ada satu ungkapan yang menyatakan bahawa "iman seseorang tidak terletak pada labuhnya tudung yang dipakai". Berusahalah menambah amalan kita dengan seikhlasnya dan nawaitu kerana Allah, jangan terus berpuas hati dengan amalan kita kerana telah menutup aurat sepenuhnya. Teruskan beramal dan jangan berhenti seperti Rasulullah yang bersih daripada dosa dan telah dijanjikan syurga tetapi masih juga melaksanakan amal ibadat baik yang wajib mahupun sunat sehingga kaki baginda bengkak, subhanallah betapa cinta dan takutnya baginda pada Allah SWT.
Betapa jauhnya dan kerdilnya diri kita berbanding amal Rasulullah, tetapi jadikanlah baginda contoh yang paling baik buat kita agar kita dapat berjuang dan menguatkan diri untuk menambah amal ibadat kita seperti baginda.
InsyaAllah, sama2 kita menyedari apa yang kita ada sekarang semuanya adalah dari Allah, dari kehendakNya... Dan jika kita terus melupakan Dia dan tidak bersyukur kepadaNya, Dia tidak akan teragak2 untuk menarik kembali nikmatNya itu..... Semoga kita akan diberi keinsafan dan kesedaran oleh Allah SWT, amiin...
Kita tak tahu lagi bila ajal kita akan sampai. Sudah cukupkah amalan kita ni? Sudah cukupkah amal ibadat kita selama di dunia ni? Adakah kita yakin yang amal ibadat kita akan diterima oleh Allah???
MasyaAllah... Wallahu'alam.. Semoga kita diberikan kesedaran dan hidayah untuk lebih memperbaiki diri kita.
Aku teringat ada satu ungkapan yang menyatakan bahawa "iman seseorang tidak terletak pada labuhnya tudung yang dipakai". Berusahalah menambah amalan kita dengan seikhlasnya dan nawaitu kerana Allah, jangan terus berpuas hati dengan amalan kita kerana telah menutup aurat sepenuhnya. Teruskan beramal dan jangan berhenti seperti Rasulullah yang bersih daripada dosa dan telah dijanjikan syurga tetapi masih juga melaksanakan amal ibadat baik yang wajib mahupun sunat sehingga kaki baginda bengkak, subhanallah betapa cinta dan takutnya baginda pada Allah SWT.
Betapa jauhnya dan kerdilnya diri kita berbanding amal Rasulullah, tetapi jadikanlah baginda contoh yang paling baik buat kita agar kita dapat berjuang dan menguatkan diri untuk menambah amal ibadat kita seperti baginda.
InsyaAllah, sama2 kita menyedari apa yang kita ada sekarang semuanya adalah dari Allah, dari kehendakNya... Dan jika kita terus melupakan Dia dan tidak bersyukur kepadaNya, Dia tidak akan teragak2 untuk menarik kembali nikmatNya itu..... Semoga kita akan diberi keinsafan dan kesedaran oleh Allah SWT, amiin...
Yeah.. planning vs. redah jer..
Sunday, September 11, 2011
So.. which one do u prefer? Every year I will come out with a new planning, and my planning is fully complete from my daily schedule to daily spend (financial).
But... Haha, got but! But, I didn't do it. Ooopss... It's hard for me to discipline myself with schedule. Except for lecture schedule ok la.. Still can stand with it, huhu..
All of u, pls bear in ur mind don't be like me. If u have any planning, stick with it and be a successful planner. It's an advice for me too... Orait! :)
But... Haha, got but! But, I didn't do it. Ooopss... It's hard for me to discipline myself with schedule. Except for lecture schedule ok la.. Still can stand with it, huhu..
All of u, pls bear in ur mind don't be like me. If u have any planning, stick with it and be a successful planner. It's an advice for me too... Orait! :)
New post!~~~
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Dah lama x post apa2... Kali ni, sempat jgk la nak mengarang sket, bcoz I can't stand more with this feeling. Nak luah jgk or else it can be a disease called stress. Huh....
Should I call this Karma??? Everything that I've done to people (how I treat them..etc.), they did it back to me. Rasanya, aku boleh lg berdiri dan bertahan bila hukum ni terjadi satu per satu. Tp sekarang ni, ianya terjadi sekaligus. Pain! Sadness!
Kepada sesiapa yg baca blog ni, can u tell me what's ur intention or purpose in telling people u like him/her???
Mempermainkan saja? Then buang ke tepi bila org tu dah suka???
In this case, I hate this kind of people! Y>U>C>K!!!
Should I call this Karma??? Everything that I've done to people (how I treat them..etc.), they did it back to me. Rasanya, aku boleh lg berdiri dan bertahan bila hukum ni terjadi satu per satu. Tp sekarang ni, ianya terjadi sekaligus. Pain! Sadness!
Kepada sesiapa yg baca blog ni, can u tell me what's ur intention or purpose in telling people u like him/her???
Mempermainkan saja? Then buang ke tepi bila org tu dah suka???
In this case, I hate this kind of people! Y>U>C>K!!!
My Planning~~~
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Baru ja siap buat kalendar sendiri. Selain jimat, dapat jugak list apa2 notes plus aktiviti yg nak dilakukan. The most important things in my own calendar is HOLIDAY!!! huhu... Awal2 lg dah highlight cuti am hari Sabtu dan Ahad. And also, find out cuti2 khas dlm negeri or public holiday such as Chinese New Year (public), Harvest Day and Good Friday (only in Sabah).. Tapi, every month tdk banyak pun cuti ni. Especially on March, no public holiday except for Saturday and Sunday.
Still, I need to work for 122 days (6months exclude public holiday). For me it's such a looooong dayyy even though if I compare to study. This is because, study is only study and we have most of the time to rest. Kalau time tu belum exam, masih relax la tdk study..kan..kan..huhu.. Tapi, bila bekerja ni lain.. 5 days in a week, 9hours we need to do our work. Just work. Itu pun kalau kerja kat tmpt yg selalu busy la, kalau tmpt tu ikut masa or tarikh baru nak busy ada jugak la masa nak relax..hehe..
Apa2 pun, manfaatkan setiap peluang yg ada dan cari pengalaman sebanyak mungkin... :)
Still, I need to work for 122 days (6months exclude public holiday). For me it's such a looooong dayyy even though if I compare to study. This is because, study is only study and we have most of the time to rest. Kalau time tu belum exam, masih relax la tdk study..kan..kan..huhu.. Tapi, bila bekerja ni lain.. 5 days in a week, 9hours we need to do our work. Just work. Itu pun kalau kerja kat tmpt yg selalu busy la, kalau tmpt tu ikut masa or tarikh baru nak busy ada jugak la masa nak relax..hehe..
Apa2 pun, manfaatkan setiap peluang yg ada dan cari pengalaman sebanyak mungkin... :)
Jom enjoy!~~~
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
X sbr rasanya nak pegi shopping...huhu.. Nak release tension, cara paling baik adalah shopping.. Baik ke??hehehehe.. Adeiii, awal2 before dpt fulus ni plan dlu mau beli apa. So, shopping tu shopping jgk tp be wise la.. Kan, kan.. Baru la bermakna dan rasa duit tu digunakan utk apa.
Di sini ndak byk tmpt bole shopping, plan2 mcm mau pi Kk la. Sana byk shopping complex, tambahan lg I already know where is da best place to shop, huhu.. Mo jln2 jgk di sana...
Hopefully, February will come and bring prosperity to us..haha.. I mean, fulus come in lah..huhu.. (already assume dat "it" will appear in account on February).. Korang2 yg ada scholar pn brdoa la smoga kluar awal,
Di sini ndak byk tmpt bole shopping, plan2 mcm mau pi Kk la. Sana byk shopping complex, tambahan lg I already know where is da best place to shop, huhu.. Mo jln2 jgk di sana...
Hopefully, February will come and bring prosperity to us..haha.. I mean, fulus come in lah..huhu.. (already assume dat "it" will appear in account on February).. Korang2 yg ada scholar pn brdoa la smoga kluar awal,
I'm going to deactivate my Fb.. for a while.. Wanna take sometimes to relax and make myself calm from all da silly things dat always "kacau2" my heart n kpala.. To all my friends, u can contact me thru hp k! U all tau kn my number..huhu..
Thru this blog pn bole... Ok la, nak brsiap2 dah ni pi kerja (haha, cewah!!)... Wish me luck, hopefully I can safe in and also safe out.. InsyaAllah amiin.. Bubye.. ;)
Thru this blog pn bole... Ok la, nak brsiap2 dah ni pi kerja (haha, cewah!!)... Wish me luck, hopefully I can safe in and also safe out.. InsyaAllah amiin.. Bubye.. ;)
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