Ermm..tak disangka2 dah pertengahan Ramadhan da. Alhamdulillah, masih lg dpt mengharungi bulan Ramadhan tahun ni. Dan, banyak benda dan perkara yang terkandung hikmah disebaliknya berlaku sepanjang bulan Ramadhan ni. Kalau ikutkan, skrg member2 dah busy hntr borang tu ini, jmpa lecturer nak urus LI (Latihan Industri) ni. Aku rasa aku jak yg relaks lg, teda print out borang yg nk diisi dan kol tmpat nk praktikal tu.heheheh.. Ntah la, nk ckp malas ndak jgk..(haha, mana da pemalas mngaku dirinya malas)... Smpai kn ada member nk tolong kol tmpat praktikal tu bg pihak aku..hehehe.. Tp aku xnk la suru dorang.. Lastly and finally, ada kwn gak nk praktikal tmpat yg sama dn nk kol tmpt tu..huhu.. Bukan apa, aku tgh bingung dgn tmpat LI ni. Bapa nk aku dkt ngan hometown jgk.. The problem is, at my hometown tu ndak byk tmpt LI. 1 jak ada.. itu pn Jabatan Pertanian, tp ndak byk bole apply byk apa yg aku dah belajar. Kalau tmpat aku study ni plak, byk tmpat bole pi. Hospital private pn ada, dpt apply smua yg aku da blajar. Selain tu, ada Jabatan Kimia dan Veterinar atau kilang2 la.. Smua ok2.. Kwn2 pn yg Sabahan rmai ambil area sni.. The reason why ndak dpt pi Hospital government atau Jabatan Kesihatan, sbb ndak dpt MOU (ntah la apa ni..mcm agreement jgk la) dr Hospital dn Kesihatan utk praktikal kt situ. Without MOU, bhgn Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi pn ndak dpt wat pa2 kalau nk praktikal kt situ. Mmg ndak bole la.. sbr ja... Jd, aku rasa..fikir..tnpa restu family susah jgk kn.. Hometown jgk la jwbnya... Redha.. :)
Ini...llirik lagu yg ditujukan buat org tu.. What do you want from me?? Utk smua gak..hayati..hehe... ;)
Hey, slow it down whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Yeah I'm afraid whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
There might have been a time
And I would give myself away
Oooh once upon a time I didn't give a damn
But now, here we are so whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Just don't give up I'm workin it out
Please don't give in, I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Yeah, it's plain to see (plain to see)
That baby you're beautiful
And it's nothing wrong with you
(Nothing wrong with you)
It's me, I'm a freak (yeah)
But thanks for lovin' me
Cause you're doing it perfectly
(It perfectly)
There might have been a time
When I would let you step away
I wouldn't even try
But I think you could save my life
Just don't give up I'm workin' it out
Please don't give in, I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep comin around
Hey, whataya want from me (Whataya want from me)
Whataya want from me (Whataya want from me)
Just don't give up on me
(Uuuuuuh) I won't let you down
No, I won't let you down
(So I) just don't give up
I'm workin it out
Please don't give in, I won't let you down
It messed me up (It messed me up)
Need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me
Just don't give up I'm workin' it out
Please don't give in, I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me (whataya want from me)
Whataya want from me (whataya want from me)
Whataya want from me
Alhamdulillah.. berkat Ramadhan~~
Monday, August 16, 2010
Alhamdulillah, finally I can get my scholarship.. Thank you Allah for giving me what I really need.. I have to use my money wisely because there's a lot of things need to buy and use. Next sem I will go for my internship maybe in Tawau, huhu.. If I will be accepted in Tawau for my internship, it will be an opportunity for me to live with my family and also close to them.
Oh ya, almost forgot to wish Happy Ramadhan to all of you. Ahlan wa sahlan ya Ramadhan.. marilah kita sama2 memanfaatkan bulan yg mulia ini. Memang banyak benda terbaik yg terjadi dlm bulan ini. Alhamdulillah, inilah bulan yg sangat mulia, penuh berkat dan rahmat. Jom berlumba dan bersama2 mengejar pahala dan menambah amalan kita.. ;)
Kata2 sebagai renungan:
~ Aku..
seorang hamba yg daif dan lemah..
yg selalu lalai dan alpa,
namun Allah tidak pernah melupakan ku walau sesaat,
sentiasa memerhatikan ku dan mendengar luahan ku di saat aku berduka..
Adakah di antara kamu yg dapat mencari orang yg mampu memberikan sepenuh perhatian kepada kita?
Adakah ada di antara kamu yg dapat mencari orang yg sentiasa menolongmu di kala susah dan berduka,
tidak kira susah dan payah sekaipun dirinya sanggup untuk menolongmu?
Allah segalanya.. Dia adalah teman yg sentiasa ada di hati kita, yg nama-Nya sentiasa kita
sebut bila susah dan berduka.. bila senang adakah kita mengingati-Nya?
Marilah kita bersama2 ingat Allah, tidak kira di mana kita berada dan tidak kira apa jua yg kita lakukan..
Renung2kan...dan selamat beramal... =)
Oh ya, almost forgot to wish Happy Ramadhan to all of you. Ahlan wa sahlan ya Ramadhan.. marilah kita sama2 memanfaatkan bulan yg mulia ini. Memang banyak benda terbaik yg terjadi dlm bulan ini. Alhamdulillah, inilah bulan yg sangat mulia, penuh berkat dan rahmat. Jom berlumba dan bersama2 mengejar pahala dan menambah amalan kita.. ;)
Kata2 sebagai renungan:
~ Aku..
seorang hamba yg daif dan lemah..
yg selalu lalai dan alpa,
namun Allah tidak pernah melupakan ku walau sesaat,
sentiasa memerhatikan ku dan mendengar luahan ku di saat aku berduka..
Adakah di antara kamu yg dapat mencari orang yg mampu memberikan sepenuh perhatian kepada kita?
Adakah ada di antara kamu yg dapat mencari orang yg sentiasa menolongmu di kala susah dan berduka,
tidak kira susah dan payah sekaipun dirinya sanggup untuk menolongmu?
Allah segalanya.. Dia adalah teman yg sentiasa ada di hati kita, yg nama-Nya sentiasa kita
sebut bila susah dan berduka.. bila senang adakah kita mengingati-Nya?
Marilah kita bersama2 ingat Allah, tidak kira di mana kita berada dan tidak kira apa jua yg kita lakukan..
Renung2kan...dan selamat beramal... =)
Sabar ku ada batasnya..~~~
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Excuse me.. I want to share something.. everyone has their level of patience... Me too.. I've been patient for several things..
1. Owh my lovely U_ _... kn dah cantik, sgt cantik... tp sstem pngurusan yg SANGAT TERUK!!! geram aku... I've been waiting for my scholarship but till now I get nothing! Please la.. Does it take so long process to give students their scholarship?? We are STUDENTS, we don't have much money to spend and buy foods other than using our scholarship. We have to lean on our parents, every week needs money to buy books and many more things... I was so thankful that my parents can still support me in finance (money) but how about the others? Who can't be supported by their parents? Either their parents were separated or poor, so how they're going to survive? For our beloved U_ _, please... Think of us... Change ur management.
2. Junior in my room.. There are so rude! Baru ja bbrapa mnggu masuk U dah berlagak, kurang a**r dan sombong! What actually makes me so mad?? I'm the first who entered that room, and booked my locker, table and bed. I've put all my things in my locker, table and bed. And when the two of 'kindly' juniors entered that room, they took over all the things inside the room! She has taken all my things on my bed and on my table, put them into my locker. How rude she was!!! And then she put all her things on my table and my bed. Seriously, I can't tolerate with them. So I asked my other roommate (my batch) to tell them that it was my place (they have to move to another table and bed), but none of them wanted to move. I really2 hate and can't tolerate even a little with them!! I miss my old roommates...
3. I've joined a program.. That program was held to welcome our junior (for my course). I was handling in food unit at that time as a Leader. My Pengarah wants me to do this and that. Not yet finish in one work I have to move on to new work and get busy. One day, I really can't go to our meeting. I was so tired of doing so many works. So I asked one of my ajk to replace me. At that time, they didn't know anything and what to answer if being asked. I've been told them to tell this and that but the Majlis Tertinggi (MT) just like want to blame me so much for not attending the meeting. They asked this and that but none of them were our real tasks for our unit. I was really sad and be patient at that time. And finally when one last meeting was held, I was late. Why I was late? At that time I'm in KK wanted to take KPP class, but when I thought that my ajks didn't know anything and less working so I decided to go to the meeting. My Pengarah was so mad at me and criticized me. He told me that he was really particular with Food Unit and can be said as an expert. I felt insulted and wanted to cry. I just kept holding my tears, and pretend to smile. There's too much time, energy and money that I've been sacrified for this program. They were always held meeting at their Kolej Kediaman. I lived far away from their kolej, but I knew there's no good to give an excused, so I definitely will come. Even there's no transport, I will walking from my kolej to their kolej (it's really far). Only certain of them knew that I'm doing my work seriously. My feet at that time 'melecet' because of too much walking. At one time I really can't hold it anymore and I was crying while calling my mum. She gives me strength and advice to be patient and keep doing the right things. Now, the program has finished... Alhamdulillah... Lega...
That's my story.. How about u??? Keep this in mind.. "As sobaru minal iman...Sabar itu separuh daripada iman..."
Enjoy this song.. :)
1. Owh my lovely U_ _... kn dah cantik, sgt cantik... tp sstem pngurusan yg SANGAT TERUK!!! geram aku... I've been waiting for my scholarship but till now I get nothing! Please la.. Does it take so long process to give students their scholarship?? We are STUDENTS, we don't have much money to spend and buy foods other than using our scholarship. We have to lean on our parents, every week needs money to buy books and many more things... I was so thankful that my parents can still support me in finance (money) but how about the others? Who can't be supported by their parents? Either their parents were separated or poor, so how they're going to survive? For our beloved U_ _, please... Think of us... Change ur management.
2. Junior in my room.. There are so rude! Baru ja bbrapa mnggu masuk U dah berlagak, kurang a**r dan sombong! What actually makes me so mad?? I'm the first who entered that room, and booked my locker, table and bed. I've put all my things in my locker, table and bed. And when the two of 'kindly' juniors entered that room, they took over all the things inside the room! She has taken all my things on my bed and on my table, put them into my locker. How rude she was!!! And then she put all her things on my table and my bed. Seriously, I can't tolerate with them. So I asked my other roommate (my batch) to tell them that it was my place (they have to move to another table and bed), but none of them wanted to move. I really2 hate and can't tolerate even a little with them!! I miss my old roommates...
3. I've joined a program.. That program was held to welcome our junior (for my course). I was handling in food unit at that time as a Leader. My Pengarah wants me to do this and that. Not yet finish in one work I have to move on to new work and get busy. One day, I really can't go to our meeting. I was so tired of doing so many works. So I asked one of my ajk to replace me. At that time, they didn't know anything and what to answer if being asked. I've been told them to tell this and that but the Majlis Tertinggi (MT) just like want to blame me so much for not attending the meeting. They asked this and that but none of them were our real tasks for our unit. I was really sad and be patient at that time. And finally when one last meeting was held, I was late. Why I was late? At that time I'm in KK wanted to take KPP class, but when I thought that my ajks didn't know anything and less working so I decided to go to the meeting. My Pengarah was so mad at me and criticized me. He told me that he was really particular with Food Unit and can be said as an expert. I felt insulted and wanted to cry. I just kept holding my tears, and pretend to smile. There's too much time, energy and money that I've been sacrified for this program. They were always held meeting at their Kolej Kediaman. I lived far away from their kolej, but I knew there's no good to give an excused, so I definitely will come. Even there's no transport, I will walking from my kolej to their kolej (it's really far). Only certain of them knew that I'm doing my work seriously. My feet at that time 'melecet' because of too much walking. At one time I really can't hold it anymore and I was crying while calling my mum. She gives me strength and advice to be patient and keep doing the right things. Now, the program has finished... Alhamdulillah... Lega...
That's my story.. How about u??? Keep this in mind.. "As sobaru minal iman...Sabar itu separuh daripada iman..."
Enjoy this song.. :)
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